
Soho House offering Free Public Space in Ludlow Club

April 11, 2013
Soho House offering Free Public Space in Ludlow Club
In it's continous efforts to persuade Community Board 3 rights to open a location on the Lower East Side in the former Nieberg Funeral Home building. Soho House, parent of the new Ludlow branch plans on "giving" the public access to it's facilities despite it's reputation. Nick Jones, global CEO and founder of the club in London back in 1995 says the club will set aside a permanent space just for the public with a separate entrance. In addition, Jones is looking at providing some public access to other portions in the club, including possibly the gymnasium which is even more good news. Jones said it has become clear that some people find the concept of a private club on the Lower East Side off-putting. On April 4, the State Liquor Authority denied a full liquor license for a proposed Latin-themed restaurant at 106 Rivington St., which is just around the corner from the site Soho House owns. During that hearing, SLA Chairman Dennis Rosen called the area “one of the most (liquor license) saturated areas in the city, probably in the world.” State law requires an applicant seeking a permit within 500 feet of three or more existing permits to prove a “public benefit” in establishing an additional licensed venue. CB3, an advisory body, goes one step further, placing restrictions on licenses in over-saturated areas. Ludlow Street is one of these designated areas.


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